Our profound aim is providing all people in need life with dignity and security, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, religion, political and sexual orientation.

We seek a world of tolerance, social justice and endless humanity, where wars, poverty and suffering have been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.

Our mission is to protect life, alleviate suffering and oppression and ensure dignity, respect for human rights and social justice. Our mission tends to spread the good deeds so a brighter and better future for everyone will flourish. We don’t hope passively, instead we believe that by mutual work and understanding, we can all contribute for a better world.

Our Values are our guiding principles that set the foundation of our work. .

  • We are driven by Humanity, we address human suffering wherever it is found, protect life and ensure respect for human beings with Impartiality, making no distinctions on basis of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, class or political opinions. Our actions are carried out on the basis of need alone, giving priority to those in most serious and immediate danger.
  • Our actions are autonomous and with disregard of any political, economic, military or other objectives and agendas. We adhere to the principles of Independence and Neutrality, we don’t take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
  • We serve as Voice to the Voiceless, to bring to attention abuse of human rights, extreme need and unacceptable suffering, when access to lifesaving aid is obstruct, when crises are neglected and provision of aid is inadequate or abused.
  • We believe that Diversity and Participation within and of the people we serve is pushing us to the highest levels of learning and performance, channeling the best of human spirit to create impact.
  • We adhere to Transparency and Accountability to the people and partners we humbly serve, sharing our results, stories and lessons learnt.